Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanks for Throwing a Wrench in My Theory

OK, remember a few postings ago how I gave my theory of how the ending to Breaking Dawn would go?

[Recap: Alice would come at the last minute to save the day.]

Wellll.... Summit released some new TV spots this week that kind of ran it askew.  In the clip they showed some more bits of the fight.  Which look really cool, by the way.  But in one scene you see that the Volturi have Alice at one point.

Hmmm... So let me reformulate my theory.  Yes, there is such a word.

The battle will be in two parts: One- Alice's "pre-vision," before everyone starts planning to fight and get everyone together, where we get snippets of it.  Two- The rest of the battle, longer, which is happening "for real."

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