Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mockingjay Pt. 1 Review

[Sorry this took so long. I started writing this after I saw MJ for the first time.]

I got out of Mockingjay, and I really enjoyed it.  It was very close to the book, and they still kept with different perspectives in addition to Katniss', which I have really enjoyed throughout the whole series.

Mockingjay is really, stylistically speaking, a continuation of Catching Fire. You might think it's just part 1 of 2 of Mockingjay, but it has some similarities with Catching Fire. You get the sense that Katniss is isolated, her against the world, struggling with PTSD.

The sets and special effects are wonderful; to note, the ruins of District 12.  New characters are great. Jennifer is awesome. Love the dynamic between Katniss and Prim. Elizabeth is great. Julianne adds a complexity to Coin. Part of me loved her, and yet kind of hated her at the same time, because, well, I know how part 2 goes.  Plutarch got kind of annoying from all the propos. He's in full gamemaker mode here. 

[I totally missed that the actress who plays Mira on Homeland played Snow's speechwriter, until I took Mom to see it, and she pointed it out.]

The music.... I loved the music. It's basically taken from Catching Fire (someone else mentioned Hunger Games, too), so there's continuity in that respect. The Hanging Tree was really good, I liked it. The way the setting had been described in interviews didn't really make sense, but when you see it in context,  it does. It's pretty and haunting. Can't wait to get the score.

I wish Katniss had taken the time to explain the background of "The Hanging Tree," but that probably would have taken too much screen time, and anyway, you get the gist of it with the scenes of the other districts rioting.

One point I got stuck on was Finnick's story- really, the timing. I wondered at first why they put it during the rescue.  Then I figured it out. It was to distract everyone.

Ending. .. pretty much the way everyone thought it would end.
I loved the little tidbit at the end.

Overall feeling stark, dark, and grand. I can't wait for part 2.

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