I remember the moment I became a Taylor Swift fan. I had heard a few songs of hers on the radio. However, it was in the fall of 2010 I found out that one station was going to air a concert and documentary about Taylor Swift; it was called "Journey to Fearless." I saw her sing, interact with the fans, and the amazing stage she had.
I was hooked.
Fast forward to six years later. I'm still a fan. I got her CDs, and was dreaming of going to a concert. It just seemed a bit out of reach. Finally, this past summer, I finally got it into my head: Hey, I'll just start saving up some money. A lot of people in the fandom, at the time, were speculating that Taylor would release a new album in the fall. So, I figured that she might start touring in the summer or fall of 2017. Strangely enough, her label manager Scott Borchetta had tweeted the answer no to this fan's question: Is TS6 coming? However he later deleted the tweet. This further fed our speculations.
But I digress.
Well, October came and went. No sixth album. But, some bigger news would come our way. It all started when AT&T announced a partnership with Taylor regarding promotions and events. There would be an On-Demand section on DirectTV and AT&T that would host many of Taylor's videos and behind-the-scenes featurettes.
To top it all off, there was more huge news: there would be an exclusive concert performed by Taylor on Super Bowl weekend, 2017. In Houston. However, it was also said that this concert would be open to VIPs and by invite only. This made me feel a little better. This was a concert that I wouldn't really have to worry about getting to. Or was it? There would be a contest to get tickets for this event.
I entered as often as I could.
The deadline was January thirteenth, and the thirteenth came and went. Online Taylor fans started hearing of people- enthusiastic fans- who were being picked to get tickets.
"Well, maybe I won't win," I thought. Oh, well.
On the morning of January 31st, I went to work. My lunchtime was around noon. I was in the break room, checking my email, when the subject ATT Taylor Swift caught my eye.
What? I opened it.
Hi Erika ... ,
You have been invited to receive two (2) tickets to the DIRECTV NOW Super Saturday Night concert featuring Taylor Swift in Houston, Texas on February 4, 2017…
I thought I was going to pass out. Cry. Maybe both. I took some breaths. I called my mom: "Mom, I won Taylor Swift tickets!" She knew all about the contest. At that point, I really thought I was going to cry. She replied, "Well, don't cry!" This was such a huge deal. And after I thought I wouldn't win… But I did.
Right after I hung up with Mom, I filled out the online confirmation form. But I made a little mistake. I found a person who you could email. And after some back-and-forth, I resubmitted the form.
I had also seen on Twitter that other people had gotten emails about the same time I did. Some people seemed to be from Houston, so I figured that we were picked at the last minute.
After a very anxious two days, I got the confirmation email. I was going! The dress code was described as "party chic," but you could wear Taylor shirts, if you really wanted. I got an outfit ready, that I really liked.
Thankfully, my work schedule had me getting off work early the evening of the concert, and finally, finally, I was off work and ready to go. The venue, Club Nomadic, had been built just for this weekend. The concert would start at 11:30 pm.
We got to Club Nomadic, and checked in. A representative took us inside to the seating area that I had requested for mom. As we entered attendants gave each of us two light-up bracelets, saying they were a gift from Taylor. I was really happy about getting them since I saw them on social media during her last tour.
The outside of the building had lights and images projected onto it, and the inside was just as cool. Contest winners would be on the floor in front of the stage. The VIPs were on the balconies above us.
Everyone had to wait before the concert. I got to the front of the stage early on, at one point, but I didn't think Mom would want to be surrounded by a whole bunch of people, so I ended up going back to the seating area. This would pose a slight problem, as more and more people gathered in front of the stage- especially the tall people. Mom eventually came up with a solution for me; she had me stand on the "base" of her cart.
People got drinks while they waited. I noticed there was a stand that was selling Taylor's shirts, so I bought a hat. The hat had several pins on it, including a patch with the date and "Houston, TX" on it.
There was a DJ who was playing music; her name sounded vaguely familiar but I didn't really know who she was. What I did notice were the songs that were being played:
Bruno Mars- 24K Magic
5th Harmony- Work It
Ed Sheeran- Shape of You
I wondered, later on, if Taylor had picked the pre-show songs. Ed toured with her a few years back, and 5th Harmony made an appearance on a tour stop.
At last, 11:30 came. As the lights finally dimmed, everyone cheered. The lights pulsed as everyone kept screaming and the introduction to "New Romantics" played. Taylor came up onto the stage, and suddenly, it didn't feel so late any more.
The bracelets were programmed to flash on and off during the songs and even change colors. I thought they were awesome; I'd been wanting them since I had seen them on the tour. (I geeked out so much over those….)
"Hi! I'm Taylor!" This is her standard greeting, and the audience cheered in response.
"Welcome to the Super Saturday Night concert in Houston, Texas. You are 9,000 people who have come from all over the world, possibly to play football, but would it be alright with you if we played some music first?"
Of course, Taylor. Of course. She ended "New Romantics." Then she launched into the next songs "22," and "Blank Space." The latter is a fun song, and I considered it my "lucky" song, because I won a contest lip-syncing to it.
Not only were the bracelets lighting up, but Taylor was also using most of the on-screen graphics from the 1989 tour. We wouldn't be able to notice until the videos hit DirectTV and U-verse, but the round stage she was on also lit up. People pointed out that the setlist was very similar to the one used at the concert in Austin the previous October.
Taylor also pointed out, "As far as I know, I'm doing one show in 2017. And as far as I know, this is that one show. So what I am trying to tell you, is by coming here tonight, you are essentially attending 100% percent of my tour dates for this year… You're the crowd I'm going to see in my most recent daydreams, when I'm thinking about being onstage, you're the one I'm going to see in my head."
"The first couple of songs I can always tell if we're going to be dealing with a wonderful crowd, and from the looks of it, I think we are going to have a good night, Houston, Texas."
I Knew You Were Trouble - I had gotten to like the "1989" version better than the original, but she performed the original this night.
Style- this is a fun song. It's not quite my favorite, but it's still catchy.
I Don't Wanna Live Forever- This was a song she co-wrote with Zayn Malik from One Direction, and was used for a film. A few weeks before, they had filmed a music video. Taylor had posted a little video of her rehearsing it on her guitar, so this was the only song we knew beforehand she was going to play.
The acoustic version sounded really great, and some of the audience was singing Zayn's part.
You Belong With Me- This is one of my favorites of her early songs, and I was really happy she sang it. She mentioned that she had written a song that had a cheer captain, it being Super Bowl weekend, and we all knew what song she was talking about. I sang along to this one!
This is What You Came For - This song had been on the Austin set list, and was performed acoustically this night.
Then, Taylor proceeded to shock everyone. She started her next song:
"I know, I'm--" Everyone immediately started screaming because this was the song she wrote for Little Big Town called Better Man. This was the first time she had ever performed it, and everyone went crazy.
Sometimes in the middle of the night I can feel you again
But I just miss you and I just wish you were a better man
The song was even more poignant when Taylor sang it.
Red- During "Red," the display behind Taylor changed colors on the chorus: Losing him was blue like I'd never known, missing him was dark gray all alone. Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met. But loving him was red.
The bracelets were also changing colors to match up with the words. So. Stinking. Cool.
We are Never Ever Getting Back Together- This is another fun song.
Love Story- For The "1989" tour, Taylor had changed a few older songs to match the sound of her pop album. This was one of those songs. She also had some pyrotechnic effects at the end. Taylor stood at one side of the stage while stage hands quickly moved out a piano that we recognized from the Austin show.
This was no ordinary piano; it was covered in crystals. It was so pretty. I was glad she had brought it tonight.
All too Well- As Taylor sat down at the piano, she mentioned the Austin concert, and how some people wanted her to sing a particular song that she had always played on the piano on the Red Tour. "So," she said, "If I ever played a show in Texas again, I would put it on the set list." This song is "All too Well." Everyone was really happy about that.
Enchanted/Wildest Dreams - This was the last song Taylor sang on the piano. "Wildest Dreams" was one of my favorite songs on 1989. The onscreen graphics were so pretty- underwater with bubbles.
Bad Blood- Everyone also enthusiastically sang along to this favorite.
Out of the Woods- This was another one of my top favorites. It vaguely reminds me of "Let the River Run," by Carly Simon. My only regret was that there was no paper airplane confetti. As on her last tour, Taylor had everyone sing the three-note background part while she sang the chorus for the last time.
Shake It Off- Finally, sadly, we came to the last song of the evening. I got down off of the cart and just joined in the epic dance party- ness that is this song.
A storm of confetti exploded at the end. Taylor thanked everyone.
Sent from my iPad
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
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Taylor Swift, Super Saturday Night- A Look Back
I remember the moment I became a Taylor Swift fan. I had heard a few songs of hers on the radio. However, it was in the fall of 2010 I found...
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Dear Comic-Con attendees, This note is addressed to you, but I'm mainly writing to my fellow Twihards who will once again be lucky en...
I remember the moment I became a Taylor Swift fan. I had heard a few songs of hers on the radio. However, it was in the fall of 2010 I found...