Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Tributes... We welcome you..." to DVD

Last Friday night, I went to a Walmart to await the release of the Hunger Games DVD.  It was fun, low-key.  Everything was done while in line at Electronics.  And, I took pictures....

While we were waiting, they showed behind-the-scenes stuff from the DVD, and a couple of music videos, including Taylor Swift's "Safe and Sound."  The volume wasn't that loud, though.

We got cupcakes.  From what I'm hearing around the web, some were orange.  For future reference, the cupcakes were great and all, but pleeease, don't use black frosting again.  Just... don't.

I got my fan-girl on.  Grabbed the logo shirt as soon as they were being sold, because they can sell out quickly.  Wore the mockingjay pin, and the bracelet I made a few months ago.

Took pictures of the cool displays... and tweeted a few times.

Funny tweet of the night, from me: (overheard, some guy walking by) "What is this, Iphone 5?" 

By the time they gave out the DVDs, I'd say there were about fifty people in line.

(I felt kinda weird about taking a picture of the line, okay?)


I got home and watched about half of it.  I was sleepy.  Finished it the next night.  I'm still not finished with the special features.  One thing that might be interesting to older viewers is the "Letters from the Rose Garden," which features a letter written by Donald Sutherland, who plays President Snow.  He wrote it to the director, and it shows just how great an actor Sutherland is.  

I still want the Target DVD.  

P.S.: I was right about the Breaking Dawn books that are coming out in a couple of months. :-)

Friday, August 17, 2012

1 Day to Go!!!!

Less than one day to go!!! I'm planning on going to a midnight release party... I might see you at one. ;-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

These Reboots are Not Made for Walking

So.... I wanted to talk about the seemingly current trend of reboots.  Why don't we just call them remakes? Call a spade a spade.

"Total Recall" is the most current one I can think of.  I could probably see why someone would want it redone.  It was originally made in the early 90s.  I haven't seen either one.  It's understandable why it should be updated.  New special effects. jazz it up a bit. 

But Twilight?  In five years?  Wait ten or fifteen.  Really, I don't think there's much you could do to improve on this one.  Maybe put in the blood-typing scene from the book.  Polish up the dialogue. 

Isn't it a little too soon for Daredevil?

I haven't heard anyone talk about remaking The Ten Commandments or Ben Hur.  Those are the ones that would be interesting.  But I bet no one would touch them with a ten-foot pole.  Because they're good.  They're classics. 

I found this list from a couple of years ago on reboots Hollywood's worked on, working on, or just gave up on (as far as I know):

75 Movie Remakes and Reboots....

The Birds??? Seriously?? No... just don't.  You don't mess with the Alfred Hitchcock. 

The Neverending Story- that might be good.  It was a little weird for me.  Flight of the Navigator might be good, but I loooved the original.

Red Dawn actually looks good, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes was one rare exception where the sequel of the remake was great. 

Here's another dated list: Den of Geek .

If they make a third "28 etc-etc," I'll bet you my paycheck as to what it'll be called. ;-)

Why don't they call 300 "600"?  Heeheeeheee.

If you'll look at the second list, a lot of these movies did, or are actually getting, made. 

So.... sequels are definitely a hit-or-miss thing. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hunger Games Merch

My local Walmart got some Hunger Games merchandise in recently.  And, yes, I bought some.

Note to self: Who would I have to bribe to get the standees? ;-) 

Also.... we're in the double-digit days of the Breaking Dawn pt. 2 countdown! Wooo whoooo!

Taylor Swift, Super Saturday Night- A Look Back

I remember the moment I became a Taylor Swift fan. I had heard a few songs of hers on the radio. However, it was in the fall of 2010 I found...